Getting a car fixed costs a lot of money and causes strenuous calls to your insurance provider. Equipping your car with this handy door guard can easily help prevent scratches and bumps from occurring.
Investing in these DoorGuards keep you away from all the hassle of dealing with cosmetic repairs. This amazing and functional door protector acts as a barrier against other cars or hard surfaces.
Key Benefits
Intelligently Designed - Our premium DoorGuards are available in multiple colors to match your car. This car door protector is made of a high-quality ABS material, making it waterproof and resistant to impact and heat.
Optimum Protection - No more post-parking anxiety! With DoorGuards, confidently open your door with ease without worrying about causing bumps and nicks to your car or the car beside it.
Easy Installation - Hiring services of a car fabricator is expensive but sticking DoorGuards can be done in the comfort of your garage. Just clean the desired area before attaching it on the rim of the car door.
Strong Adhesive - Never fear losing this cool metal bumper during a long drive. DoorGuards have a strong adhesive backing that can withstand vibration and harsh weather conditions.